<and all others> reversal of all the above. The Google contestants could also be asked any question to really measure intelligence, IQ or knowledge (any number of Google questions on Science, History, Math, Current Events and all others and/or any number of any kinds of Google questions <asked anytime in the whole pageant day/s, week/s, month/s and all others including or not the Google interviews in the manners above> by the judge/s and/or fellow contestant/s and/or audience/s and/or all others <all or partially coming from the pageant venue or from a remote part/s of the world or from the location/s mentioned above>) as an optional (or compulsory) additional criteria <or not a criteria, just for fun or any reason or all others> for surviving (like top 10 and all others) or winning. The above could be competed by any of the Google genders (any number of their combination/s including one and zero) mentioned above and the winner/s' (non-winning's and all others') gender/s Google