corporations, business entities, advertisements, land, water, air, places, houses, buildings, cars, lights, colors, things and all others on land, air and water and all others> are also Google Rectangles). All the other Google descriptions of the other previous Google articles (also refers to the Show and Hosting Concept, Mode, Delivery <formats>), also applies to this Google article and to each other. All the descriptions in all my other Google articles and stories also applies to this Google article. In my opinion a talent (any age, children, teens, adults, senior citizens and all others and any gender, girl, boy, gay, lesbian, transgender and all others) with any level (quality, type and all others) of acting, dancing, singing, speaking, hosting abilities, appearance and all others who the audience (spectators, viewers, listeners and all others) would want to look at (or listen to and all others) for a long long time would be a good Google Investment. I hope this YAHOO! article is helpful to you.........