number/s, symbol/s, notes, musical notes, sounds and all others (directed to the Google audience, viewers, spectators and all others in all the above media)(Google written or not and impromptu or not and all others)(any number of Google gaps including one and zero). I believe any level (age, gender <done by any Google number/s individual, pairings, groupings and all others> and all others) of Google performers, actors, hosts, talents, anyone, politicians, emcees, disc jockey, announcers and all others (in cities, municipalities, regions, states and all others above) above could get the desired or necessary reactions (and all others) by simply practicing and doing the above Google Show and Hosting Delivery Concept (or Format and all others) for All Shows. The above Google Concept or Format and all others could be shown on Google drama, television series, soaps, Science fictions, action series, fantasy stories, superhero stories, true-to life stories, actions and all others