YAHOO! Show and Hosting Mode Concept for All Shows
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"You're very charming (beautiful, pretty, handsome, smiling, frowning, funny, adorable, terrifying, ridiculous, entertaining, doubting, looking convinced, lively, not lively, manly, not manly, lady-like, not lady-like, mature, immature, romantic, cold, with hand gesture, without hand gesture, attentive, not attentive, proud, humble, mad, not mad, angry, not angry, reprimanding, not reprimanding, praising, not praising, noticing, ignoring, excited, not excited, annoying, sad, happy, crying, boring, silent, noisy, soft, loud, gentle, harsh, rough, smooth, suave, intelligent, stupid, ugly, sexy, dull, dumb, serious, careless, stiff <minimal, moderate, extreme and all others>, not stiff <minimal, moderate, extreme and all others>, responsive <minimal, moderate, extreme and all others> to guests and others <speech, smiles, laughter and all others>, not responsive <minimal, moderate, extreme and all others> to guests and others <speech, smiles, laughter and all others>, with facial expression, no facial expression, strict, lenient, considerate, judgmental, slow pace, fast pace, low pitch delivery, high pitch delivery, slow delivery, fast delivery, soft delivery, loud delivery and all others)," she said looking up at him.