YAHOO! Hosting Concept for All Shows

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      I believe that in hosting there must be a clear distinction of ranks among the hosts. In hosting  YAHOO! noontime variety shows <or anytime>, variety shows, talk shows, game shows, showbiz or gossip shows, magazine shows, singing contests or shows, dance shows, reality shows, cooking shows, travel shows, sports shows, news and current events and all others <or any number of their combinations including one and zero>, it must be clear who is the president, the vice-president (or lead, next lead, next lower lead and down and all others including <or not including> villains and guests and all others <with or without levels or positions>) or to that effect and down. I believe that the audience (all genders and ages) must know who to look up to, who is the lead in a Google noontime variety shows and others. Let's say when two hosts are hosting together, the audience must know who is the lead between the two (or any number) by their Google performance (delivery, formation, arrangements, groupings and all others), the audience must know who to look up (or relate and all others) to, the most. The Google higher ranking hosts could tease or embarrass <or bara> (joke, scoff, scold,