reprimand and all others; <praise, salute and all others>) slightly (or any degree) the lower ranking host. The Google lower ranking host must not be allowed to tease or embarrass <or bara> (and all others) slightly (or any degree) the higher ranking hosts so he will maintain his Google respectability (image, reputation, dignity and all others, <having a good heart, kind, wealthy, generous, understanding, considerate, compassionate and all others>). Respectability (and all others) plus a Google little humor (good humor, many jokes, spontaneous and all others) make people watch a host or idolize him, I think . Although the higher rnnking hosts must sometimes (or any number of times) also allow the lower ranking host to tease or embarrass (or make hirit or bara and all others) once in a while (or any number of times) but when it endangers his image or respectability to the audience he must (or not) make the co-host feel it and so are the audience, by reprimanding (or by making bara or supalpal) with a little consideration (or without or any level