of consideration) for his dignity (respectability and all others). This therefore means that when the hosts (any number) are introduced or listed, their ranks (positions and all others) must be shown as to  who is the lead (or leading man or the female, gay, lesbian counterparts and all others), the leading lady, the sidekick and so on or any variation or any method of showing Google ranks or positions or roles (Google characters and all others) and would function as such. These rankings of hosts could be shown in the Google opening of the shows, middle of the shows, ending and all others (in Google talk <said>, writings and all others). The above Google hosting concepts shown on television, cable, movies, internet, radio, smart phones and all other media applies to all hosts (emcees, disc jockey, announcers and all others) genders of hosts male, female, gay, lesbian and all others for teens, adults and all others (or for all ages) shown in municipalities, cities, provinces, regions, states, countries, countrysides, nations, continents, worldwide and all others