Google Steps in Learning How to Write a Story

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           If you have a story to write and you want to start but you don't much about speech tags like she uttered, she whispered, she reiterated and all others here's a little suggestion that I think could help you. You could study a book or a novel and then lists, categorizing, what you need to be able to start writing a story. You could start listing speech tags, as mentioned above, words to describe movements of characters (jumped and ran, soared upwards and others), words to describe the feelings of the involved characters (tears roll down his face; list for sadness and another list for expressions of happiness, another for expressions of anger or combined and all others). Then you could start writing a story and when you need to use a speech tag, you open your notes and choose from one of them (you could copy exactly or you could make some alterations or additions to best suit your sentences or stories; speech tags you see on novels or books are normally standards).