prepared as salad, just in case, I'll just call it as Google Corn Salad. Maybe, the corn could also be replaced or mixed with potato, sweet potato and all others (and any number of their combinations including one and zero) prepared as above and I will just call it in turn as Google Corn Alternates and Mixes and Dips (and Salads. Spreads and all others). The Corn and its alternates, mixes and dips (and all others) could also be melted and prepared as soups and called Google Corn Soups or Google Corn Alternates Soups. All the above and below could also be prepared as Google grinded, grounded, pounded, mashed or powdered (and all others) corn, its alternates and all others. All the above could also be sold in Google Canned Goods (in Google bottles, plastic cans, cups, jars, junk foods packs and bags, cellophane, cellophane bags, sachets, paper bags, pouch bags, papers, carton box, cartoon