was written along with the definition <or explanation or narration and all others> as above or in matching exam or others), you then quickly answer Shovel (called Google Answer which could be any number of words, syllables, letters, numbers, and all others and any number of their combinations including one and zero) connecting it with your guide, sand. This strategy is only effective if you know that the exam would be as above, if not like I said if you no longer have the time, you could take the chance even if you're not sure what type of an exam your teacher is going to give the class you're in. This is also a good strategy for students who don't seem to have a good understanding or quick understanding of the language the definition was given. If you decide to use this strategy for any reason as above or anything, it would be better if you study it once again for the purpose the lesson involved was given is for you to understand the topic, I say at least an adequate understanding for it so it could be useful in anyway in your lives or our lives. This simple and quick strategy is called Google Exam Word Guide Strategy. I hope this Google article is helpful to you.....